study Romain Rolland

World's Great Books Revival Projectより



○ ロランが示した日常生活の規範








○ Standards of daily life set by Rolland

1. Setting a purpose in life and assigning one task to oneself

2. To direct one's efforts and establish one's will in accordance with that purpose.

3. To seek the object of one's actions outside of oneself, rather than within oneself. To devote one's life to the object of one's life instead of concentrating one's life on one's own sake.

4. Become something useful to others. It should not be abstract, conceptual, free, or "philanthropic," but should be proactive and concrete. Devoting one's life to serving the well-being of someone else, without missing out on common opportunities to do good (e.g., almsgiving, compassion, generosity, kindness, etc.) --Be especially careful not to reduce your compassion and love to vague sentimentality.

5. Never stop seeking truth (harmonious or total truth; beauty in art; goodness in action). If truth is obtained, let others enjoy it as much as possible. However, don't force it on others. To give others what they want, such as self-esteem satisfaction or love. Such things are nothing to those who have obtained the truth (even a small truth) and believe in it (pp32-33)



As a writer who inherits Tolstoy's will, I came to Romain Rolland. Rolland was a French literary figure, and his most famous works are the novels ``Jean-Christophe'' and ``The Enchanted Soul.'' He has written a trilogy of biographies of Beethoven, Michelangelo, and Tolstoy, as well as writing diaries, letters, plays, and other works. I have always been unable to distinguish between Romain Rolland and Hermann Hesse. Both of them rhyme with their last names and have similar pitches, so I vaguely remember that Rolland wrote ``Under the Wheel'' and ``Demien,'' while Hesse wrote ``Jean-Christophe.'' was. Romain Rolland and Hermann Hesse, who had similar tones like Baudelaire and Baudrillard, were literary allies who fought wars with words.



I didn't pay much attention to Rolland, as he received very little attention in books on the history of French literature, and he didn't receive much attention in modern thought after World War II. He had once opened ``Jean-Christophe,'' but he only read the beginning because he was fed up with the lackluster descriptions and the old-fashioned structure of a historical novel, even though it was a 20th century novel.



When I recently concentrated on Tolstoy, I learned that Rolland and Tolstoy had exchanged letters, and I discovered Rolland as a moral writer after Tolstoy. As I deepened my knowledge of Rolland, I realized why he was ignored in modern French literary history.



Rolland regarded the new literary currents that were occurring in France at the beginning of the 20th century as ideological decadence. Like Tolstoy, he did not follow the path of literature such as Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Mallarmé, and Proudhon, which did not care about morality. Modern French literature, or rather, modern world literature, begins with Baudelaire's modernism and art supremacy. ``Art for art's sake'' produced literary masters such as Proust, Joyce, Nabokov, and Pynchon, but literature that became too difficult to understand became alienated from the general public. Tolstoy criticized literature for its lack of moral and educational significance. Although Rolland does not completely agree with Tolstoy, who would go on to criticize Beethoven and Shakespeare in his later years, he is on a par with Tolstoy in the spiritual and moral significance he bestows on literature.



You might think that Rolland, who did not follow the trend of modernism, was isolated, but that was not the case at all, and he continued to send sincere messages to the whole world. Rolland, who upholds the pacifism of absolute non-violence derived from Tolstoy, joins forces with intellectual giants such as Hesse, Mann, Tagore, and Gandhi to confront the 20th century, which is being engulfed by world wars. Why is he not included in literary history at all? While 20th century literature developed by abandoning the value judgment of good and evil and creating novels, Rolland criticized this as decadent and respected the good.



His novels are not technically excellent, nor are they written in Tolstoy's nineteenth-century realism. ``I am not writing a literary work. As Rolland says, ``I am writing a work of faith'' (p144), his novels are written in a subjective and cosmological style, like full-length poems. The characters in the novel are people who fight against the real world based on their strong beliefs, and the hero's combative life gives courage to the reader. I would like to quote the characters of the novel created by Rolland, which are written in this research book, which was the only one I found in the library.




You must always aim toward something deeper, higher, and truer. Of course, a more pure ordering of the self and a higher level of human perfection are hindered and prevented by various factors. There are congenital disabilities that humans have, such as instincts, personality, and illness, as well as external interference, such as the lack of understanding of the times and society, poverty, and the stares of others. Therefore, their spiritual life inevitably becomes a struggle. It is a struggle with oneself and a struggle with external things. And the stronger the attitude toward life, the more serious the struggle becomes. (pp134-135)



Romain Rolland wrote a letter to Tolstoy when he was a student. The young Rolland asks the late religious-philosopher Tolstoy, who argued that the art enjoyed by the intellectual class is far inferior to physical labor, whether there is no meaning to art. Without getting an answer, Rolland sends a second letter to Tolstoy begging for an answer. Tolstoy is moved by Rolland's letter and writes a lengthy reply.




Tolstoy first answered about manual labor: ``I do not consider manual labor a principle in itself, but only the simplest and natural application of moral principles.'' , its application is first and foremost the experience of every honest man.'' Why should physical work be imposed on us in our fallen society, the society of self-proclaimed enlightened people? However, the main flaw in this society, past and present, is that it has arbitrarily been spared manual labor, and that it has exploited the labor of this ignorant and unfortunate class of poor people, who are slaves like those of ancient times, for free. Suppose that this means that (…) Physical labor is both a duty and a happiness for everyone. However, mental activities, such as science and art, are ``special labor that becomes an obligation and happiness only for those who have that vocation.''
A person with this vocation is ``a person who has a deep conviction about who he is, who he must be, and who he must become.'' And that conviction is rare: "The vocation can only be recognized and evidenced by the scholar or artist who sacrifices his own comfort and happiness to carry out his vocation." It is. Those who escape from universal moral obligation and content themselves with the life of a parasite of society under the pretext of a love of science and art can only create false science and art. And what people who have this vocation create is not something special, but just like what other manual laborers create, it is naturally a necessity for others, and it is of benefit to others. It does not have any privileged meaning or rights. Claiming the special meaning and rights of science and art is because ``those who call themselves scholars and artists are fully aware that what they produce is inferior to what they consume. ``It's because there is'' (p248-249)



It should be noted here that Tolstoy does not consider art to be superior to labor, but rather that almost all art is far inferior to labor, only the work of an artist who comes around once every hundred years is said to have barely the same value as labor. The Tolstoyan irony is that even the great masterpieces of great masters are not, as many say, far superior to the work of the workers, but only have a value equal to the necessities of life It is. 



When this idea is applied to modern times, a slight discrepancy arises. Tolstoy respected people's art and hoped that in the future artists would emerge from the people rather than from the intellectual class, but there is a danger that ``art by the people, for the people'' has become too corrupted into commerce. . Advanced capitalist society rapidly promotes excessive consumption of goods that are not necessary for life, in fact unnecessary, but only for the sake of differentiation and profit. In an advanced mass consumption society, art is no longer a truly necessary sustenance for life, but merely a commodity that generates profits for producers and provides diversion and differentiation for consumers (readers). Folk art in a society of advanced mass consumption has become nothing like the humble gospel that Tolstoy had dreamed of, but a very hedonistic form of entertainment. This is more harmful to the earth and human history than the 19th century art that was the entertainment of the intellectual class, and at least it does not have content suitable for maintaining and improving global environmental life.



Rolland did not write commercially acceptable art. Moved by Tolstoy's reply, Rolland decided to write ``Jean-Christophe'' while working as an academic, in order to avoid inflating his egoism through his artistic creation and to prevent his works from becoming commonplace in the hopes of making a profit. continued. Art is not superior to labor, but just as working to enrich egoism and momentary pleasure is ultimately bad, so creating art for ego and profit also leads to the deterioration of culture. . I felt that one of my roles was to revive the brilliance of Romain Rolland, who seemed to be disappearing from modern literary history.



Rumors of a blog written by a girl who poisoned her mother, news of a boy chopping up a girl because he felt estranged from his childhood friend, and a female investor giving money to the host.In the face of these glittering reports in the mass media, What would Rolland, Tolstoy, Hesse, Goethe, Aristotle, Socrates, Christ, and Buddha think and how would they respond? In order to explore the path of thinking, one simply has to sink deep into one's inner self, Novalis-like.