






人生を大切にしよう。Setting a purpose in life and assigning one task to oneself.

これが人生の実質そのものだ。ある目的を持ち、その実現のために、今日ひとつの仕事を自分に与え、その仕事を終えること。人生の深淵を示しているとさえ思う。では私はどんな目的を設定するのか? 今まで買った本を全部読むことだ。 それはどんな目的になる…


World's Great Books Revival Projectより 蛯原徳夫「ロマン・ロラン研究」第三文明社、1981年刊をもとに、希有な作家ロマン・ロランを紹介します。 ○ ロランが示した日常生活の規範 一、生活に目的を定めること、一つの仕事をおのれに課すこと 二、その目的…

She told me "I was home now"

When you came home from tennis school, still left the afterglow of your workout, and told me "I was home now", you were a girl and innocent. I wanted to hug you with my eyes. Your skin was smooth, firm and very softly. How many years has i…

The Phenomenology of Spirit

The Whereabouts of Freedom Written by Mr.Takeda Seiji The Phenomenology of Spirit, written in 1807 by G.W. Hegel while teaching at the University of Jena, is the philosopher's most celebrated work. It has had a strong influence upon very m…

[英語] from Sartre to Hegel

Sartre used to be the center of my philosophical interest. When I was a cliant of his, I was drawn into Marxism, and when I became familiar with the political movements of student power, I needed to have a position of my own. Sartre also r…

To give birth to the subject that is me

"Crucible of thought" there is to give birth to the subject that is me. I started thinking about breaking into my own fantasy swamp. Because it was an environment where nothing has changed even if I had been spending it like this until the…

a poem for my lady

In an abandoned place so far away こんなにも遠く離れた打ち捨てられたような場所に Even though I brought you here, you were still fine 連れてきてしまったのに君はいつもの平気でいてくれた I would say arigato, thank you ぼくはそんな君にお礼の言…

Meet world literature complete collection

After passing the exam, I abandoned my habit of studying stoically and devoted myself to reading complete works of world literature. When I imagine my life after retirement, the first thing that comes to mind is reading. The reason why ``r…

My junior high school age

I realized that my yearning to go abroad stemmed from my immersion in American pop music when I was in junior high school, so I listened to hit songs from that time on YouTube. PPM's songs have touched my heart even now. The world was so s…

when I was in middle school

It had been reminding me of myself when I was in middle school. The reason why it seemed that self-awareness develops almost coincided with junior high school was probably because the environment changes in elementary school and coming int…

hold on memories of A

Miss A lived in a world different from the world I had lived in until then. At first she looked like a very well-bred young lady, but she wasn't from a very wealthy family. Being an only child, she must have been taken care of. As a toddle…

Is marriage a compromise?

I think we need literature to live. This is because the relationships in the real capitalist society have inhuman coercive power. We desperately need stories with warm hearts and dreams. It's okay to live in a dark world and suffer from ma…

What if the biggest failure in my life was working at a company?

As for my personal experience, I would like to self-evaluate my work at a local company for 38 years. I'm sure you'll be amazed that I still thinking about such things now, and that I am still dragging the past forever. You could say that …

The meaning of the concentration camp age

I wrote in this blog yesterday that I spent 38 years as an office worker in a concentration camp, because I felt like I couldn't be saved unless I thought about the corporate environment that killed me and turned my life into a huge waste.…




前略 もうこの歳になると先のことはどうなるか分からないと、この前のお手紙にありましたが、今年は元旦から突然の大きな地震で幕開けしました。いかがでしたでしょうか、お怪我はありませんでしたでしょうか。読書会のメンバーではご高齢のお婆ちゃんが多く…

English nerd


I was in a concentration camp for 38 years.

When I was an office worker, a man stood in front of me. For the first time in my life, I found myself being treated like a failed child. I thought it was natural for me to live my life the way I felt, but he belittled me as if he was fund…


松村昌子さま あなたを先生と電話でお呼びした時、とんでもないと強く否定されたのを最初は謙遜と受け取っておりました。しかしそれは謙遜などではなく本当に自分には相応しくないと懇願したものだと、作品「姫ヶ生水」を読み通してから、その奇跡のような成…



Release from concentration camp

When I came out of the ``concentration camp'' in the industrial park on the outskirts of the city where I had lived for 38 years, I found that the city was still the same, and I didn't immediately notice anything that had changed. I didn't…





K's secret call

The first call was from K. Since K called her at work, they only talked briefly about business matters, and it felt like he had decided to email what he really wanted to talk about. That night, they texted each other's cell phone numbers a…







A retired man on days

Although half my life had risen and fallen irregularly, by now it just had been nothing but ordinary, neither good nor bad. It takes something extraordinary to be satisfied with the ordinary. It can't be helped that I feel unsatisfied with…